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Monday, May 11, 2009

Question Answers

Q: Kamu kok bisa kayak gini (desain) gimana ceritanya?
A: Hemm..di SMA pernah diajarin kok beginian (photoshop) trus karena emang tertarik sama niat desain, cari-cari deh tutorial di internet. belajar sendiri gitu.

Q: Pernah les desain gak?
A: Pernah dong buat cari pengalaman. di situ karena aku udah bisa make photoshop, jadi aku konsen corel nya aja.

Q: pernah merasa stres gak waktu ada clien yang mintanya aneh-aneh?
A: kalo minta aneh-aneh sih alhamdullillah belom ada karena aku cenderung memberi saran daripada mengikuti mau clien hehe... Sempet stres berat waktu satu desain musti bolak-balik revisi hampir 10 kali and that was not my fault.

Q: Sebenernya ada latar belakang desain gak sih?
A: Wahh gak ngerti ya. ayah sih bisa nggambar dan dari kecil aku memang seneng nggambar juga. sering ikut lomba gambar sama mewarnai waktu TK-SD. terus SMP udah mulai otak-atik komputer sendiri gambar pake 'paint' terus bikin background buat powerpoint hehehe..nah lanjut waktu pengumpulan foto katalog. temen sekelas aku pada minta editin gitu. dari situ aku terpaksa buka internet cari tau pake photoshop 7 (masih punya yang ini). trus pas SMA juga sering yang minta aku bikinin poster, pin sama cocard dan untungnya waktu itu aku dapet photoshop cs3 portable dari sohib aku. jalan deh..gitu.


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Behind The Name

welcome buddy!

Do not ever ask about the name of this blog url because I was tired of explaining. But this time I will explain for the last time.

well so ..


why ngelmu iku?
why not look for something else is more cool?
why not use your own name like most blogs?
why ...
why ...
why ...
[Keep the questions at the end of the explanation]

I started blogging when he first saw the blog from my high school friend named Dhini Pramesti. Here I started to get visions and direct I register on blogger. My first name url is over magic. but after a run long enough and began meeting with the national level competitions blog, I replaced it with the name NGELMU IKU to be relevant to the theme of race time. is a bit old-fashioned because it comes from the Java language and one of the 'song macapat' my favorite after durma. many who criticize this name. could anyone tell strange but I do not care.
Ngelmu iku kalakone kanthi laku. 
Lekase lawan kas, tegese kas nyantosani. 
Setya budya pangekese dur angkara
Ngelmu (science) can only be achieved with behavior (mujahadah), begins with a firm intention, the meaning of 'Kas' made ​​tranquil. Of faith to overcome all obstacles and evil temptations. (Mengadeg, 1975).
 Then I won the race and my blog is recognized society. critics began to disappear. now that there are only compliments and suggestions.
Until now I still use this name because it is easy to remember (especially Javanese) and unique-only one-

Here's some behind-the name of ngelmu iku.
the end.

Profil of "Crazy" Admin

Rizka Nugrahani aka Kaka
Rizqi Ganis Ashari aka Ganis